Intended Use:
The DRUGSWAB™ Drug Screen Test is a one-step lateral flow immunoassay device for the detection of drug residues on surfaces or drug solid. The DRUGSWAB™ device detects drugs listed below:
OPI - Heroin - 10 ng/ml
COC - Cocaine - 20 ng/ml
MET - d-Methamphetamine/MDMA - 25 ng/ml
BUP - Buprenorphine - 10 ng/ml
THC - Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol - 40 ng/ml
FEN - Fentanyl - 20 ng/ml
Warnings and Precautions:
The DRUGSWAB™ Drug Screen Test is intended for Forensic Use Only. The test device should remain in its original sealed pouch until ready for use. Discard the test device if package is ripped or torn. Do not use the test device beyond the expiration date indicated on the kit.
Product Storage:
The DRUGSWAB™ Drug Screen Device pouch should be stored at room temperature (15°-30°C). Do not open pouch until ready to perform the assay.
Test Procedure:
1. Open the device kit and remove the test from the sealed pouch.
2. Carefully remove the blue cap by holding the sides and pull gently. This will expose the collection pad. A. For drug residue on suspected surface: Wipe the suspected surfaces with collection pad by pushing both sides of pad flat on surface, and then add onto collection pad ~20 drops of buffer slowly or insert collection pad into buffer vial until fluid show up in the window. B. For drug powder or tablet or plant: Put small amount of suspected solid into the buffer vial, shake 15-30 seconds and then add 10~20- drops of buffer onto collection pad or insert collection pad into buffer vial until fluid show up in the window area.
3. Lay the device on a flat surface and read results in approximately 3 minutes. Do not read results after 20 minutes.
Interpreting Test Results:
Negative Results
A red colored band should be observed in control region (C), and specific drug test region. The color and density of the test band may vary for control and drug test region.
Presumptive Positive Results
When the control band is visible in the control region (C) and no band appears at the specific test region, the result is a presumptive positive for that particular drug.
When no band appears in the control (C) region, the test is invalid regardless of the results in the test region. If the test is invalid, check testing procedures. Repeat the test using a new device.